Participations & lectures
Member of the INSAID AWARDS 2022 jury powered by the Slovak Association of Interior Designers.
“Workplace Reborn, challenges of today and beyond” in collaboration with Mauro Brigham, ncbham. Powered by AiNB.
Board member and delegate of the BAK - Bundesarchitektenkammer (German federal chamber of architects).
Appointed External Expert to the European Parliament as "experienced interior designer – (interior) architect"
Panel member at Bavarian Architecture Chamber: Fishbowl format evening in preparation of the European Elections 2019.
Bayerische Architektenkammer ByAK, Haus der Architektur, München.
Teaching at CAD (College of Architecture and Design) in Brussels: “Building Technology” 2nd year Interior Architecture 2016/17.
On workshop panel at "4. Aussenwirtschaftstag Architektur, Planen und Bauen" on January 28th 2015 at the German Foreign Office, Berlin.
Architecture club "Dialogues – One evening, two personalities" - 10th of March 2014, Haus der Architektur, (Bavarian Architekts Chamber).
"Wohnen und Wohnwelten" – November 3rd 2013, 11.30 & 13.30, Consumenta Nuremberg – Exposition stand BDIA (German Interior Architects Association).